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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Affordable Vacations!

In today's economy, the thought of affording a vacation for either yourself and your family is daunting and may be taking a back burner to the more pressing issues maintaing your household. With the summer around the corner and children soon being out of school, it may be time to revisit the idea of taking a vacation.

Now, more than ever, it is imperative that vacations are affordable and accessible. With thousands of websites offering thousands or deals, it is hard to find the deal that is best for you and your family. There are a couple things that will assist in making a the best choice of vacation:

1.) What do you want to do when you are vacation?
Do you like to water ski? White water rapids? Take in a show? Want to practice language skills? Looking for authenicity or small town charm? This is going to help nail down where you want to go.

2.) How much time do you have?
The amount of time you have will also impact your plans. Two-week vacations have the flexibiliy to going on a cruise or travelling to areas that have multiple attractions. 3-4 days of vacation should be reserved for a place on interest that have 1 or 2 primary attractions.

3.) How will I get there?
What is the point of taking the entire family (typical size is 4 members) to an all inclusive resort in Kingston, Jamaica for $1,700 if it costs $5,000 to fly there and back? If you cannot access the great deal, it is meaningless.

4.) Is there something for everyone?
When travelling by yourself or with friends that are of the same age. this is not as much of an issue, but when you travel with children, it is essential to make sure that there activites for them as well.

Once this is all hashed out, then next thing is to look for great travel deals that for the location that you picked. and are among the most common site that have great deals for locations worldwide. I have a personal preference for for airline charges, and have found a nice hotel on for a my hotel in DC when I went to the Cherry Blossom Festival. Check out the links and get started planning your vacation today!

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